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Proceedings of International Conference on Ethno-Veterinary Practices

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Proceedings of International Conference on Ethno-Veterinary Practices - Jointly organised by TANUVAS and I-AIM at South Zone Cultural Centre, Thanjavur, India

Farmers use livestock keeping as a livelihood option, even in the face of drought and famine. Livestock production is a complex component of agricultural production and rural life. Globally, the resource-poor rural farmers rely on ancestral folk herbal knowledge to deal with the diseases of livestock and poultry. Most Thno-veternary practices generally employs natural products of plant origin for prevention and treatment of livestock diseases and their management. Veterinarians, of late, show considerable interest in the medicinal plants employed in Ethno-veterinary medicine and related management practices. This emerging trend in favour of herbs is partly due to the issues related to the antimicrobial drug resistance and partly due to the demand for safe foods of animal origin.

The paper compiled in this volume will provide insight into the the traditional knowledge on herbal medicine. Some are concept papers, others relate to laboratory, clinical and field study meant for students and scientists of veterinary and animal sciences

Edited by : M N B Nair & N Punniamurthy